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OPTA - It's YOUR Organization!

"Whoever figures out how to harness the collective genius of the people in their organization will blow the competition away."  --Walter Wriston, former CEO, Citibank

What are YOU doing to advance your profession, and your organization? Success in today's rapidly changing health care environment requires the coordination of resources by all PT professionals. You can be part of this transformation by actively participating in OPTA--every member has the opportunity to participate as much or as little as desired. Find what works for you and be an ambassador for your profession, and your organization!

Why Volunteer?

Our members volunteer their time and service to OPTA for many reasons. Some seek meaningful purpose, while others seek meaningful relationships. Others want to make meaningful contributions, and others want to share meaningful stories. Whatever your reason or your passion, we have something for you at OPTA! From attending local district meetings and professional development events, to volunteering your unique talents on a committee or special interest group, we have opportunities to help you get the most out of your membership.

Ways to Volunteer

  • Volunteer your enthusiasm + excitement for the profession by attending district, state and national events as an ambassador of OPTA. 
  • Volunteer your talent in a wide variety of committees, ranging from state affairs and awards, to membership and conference.
  • Volunteer your expertise by helping with our continuing education or research committees. 
  • Volunteer your time + leadership as the chair of a committee or as a district leader. 

No matter your experience level, the amount of time you have to commit or your abilities, we NEED you! 

Find Your Fit

Explore the volunteer opportunities within OPTA using our new Volunteer Handbook, detailing general expectations, positions, time commitments and responsibilities.

Ready to ENGAGE?

To engage in OPTA volunteer opportunities, visit the APTA Engage webpage by clicking here and find your passion!